




2001/03/25 「送別会。イギリス人の優しさ」

Last Friday was farewell party for me to leave NTTE and I had had a lot of conversations with local staffs and I was feeling close to them really and firstly.

British is sometimes called they are cold and not friendly person but it may be not right information. No, maybe it’s right but it’s part of the information. This is only describing one side of information but usually there is another side as well. I had seen another side of British on last Friday. Some people is very royal for country and I felt uncomfortable for what he is saying because if you say something so strongly and if saying only one side information, people from the other side feel isolated. However I shall say the others. N, who is one of my best friends, saying American is very friendly and may try to help you a lot at the beginning. But once they know I am good enough to compete them and I can beat them, they try to kick me out because they start scared of me. If I was told only this story, I did not believe what he told me and this story had not lasted in my mind. After he told me about that, what he said is “This is just my idea and what I had seen so far. You will see something else by your own eyes. You may not be going to see any wrong side of American and you may like American very much but just be careful. They are always trying to kick you out.”. What he told me is both sides of his idea. I had felt that he is really thinking about me and about my future seriously. I hadn’t thought I have a friend like this in UK. It’s just impressive moment for me.

After that what I am thinking is “why?”. Why were they treating me like that? Is that because my helps to them? My behaviours? Or what? I will never know that. Only I know now is that I start having sort of confident for non-Japanese people and to manage them. But if I take what N told me more seriously, I can say I was too open-mind person who may be able to hurt myself and N was just warning me because he had felt so when he first met me. This is the advice only I am able to get from outside of myself and people who can tell me about this is sort of best friend and I will keep treating them as the best friend.

One another story I had on last Friday. Last year S joined our team suddenly and at that time I had no idea why he decided to join our team and he also told us he just wants to learn on-site engineering. However last Friday he came to me and said I gave me a confident when we were doing IX Europe node installation together. That’s the reason why he came to our team. It’s again touching. In the meantime, I felt my English is not enough for me to be fully confident for all circumstances. I still have many words and phrases I can not understand. I keep on reminding me and push me to keep on learning.

Anyway life is series of challenges and studying.




